
Downgrading vista to xp
Downgrading vista to xp

downgrading vista to xp

I was one of those customers who had applications (3 network and 1 local) that still weren't compatible even a year after Vista's release. So it's not like I go around bashing them and then rave about Apple or Linux. I have to admit I'm a HUGE Microsoft fan. And btw - I hate class action suits b/c only lawyers really win in the - I hope you don't take what I'm saying personally, and it doesn't really sound like you are. They're better at providing you with downgrade media, but then they charge you EXTRA?!? For something that Microsoft says you're entitled to for FREE?!? Yeah I think the ball's already rolling on that class action.

downgrading vista to xp

I also have to take issue with Dell and other systems builders. Especially when you have to deal with product activation and you get an alert effectively stating the key has been activated too many times, which I've seen happen. I'm still kind of expecting/anticipating a class action on this issue, to be honest. It puts an unfair burden on service providers and their clients and potentially opens them up to legal exposure by effectively FORCING them to steal/borrow keys and media from other existing systems. I actually think that's the official guidance and that's complete horse crap. I have to say, though, the "you'll have to find your own media and key" is about the only line I've ever gotten from Microsoft or any IT service provider. Don't waste one of your 10 open licenses here b/c you already have the right to use XP with no further license requirements. Vista Business already entitles you to a downgrade.

Downgrading vista to xp